KITTI MOTS will be part of the RobMOTS Challenge at CVPR 21. Deadline June 11.
We recommend that everyone who uses this benchmark reads this blog post for an overview of the HOTA metrics.
- Project page
- Download (trainset images + annotations / testset images)
- Description of annotation format
- New evaluation code on github
- Older tools for loading data, evaluation, and visualization
[1] J. Luiten, A. Os̆ep, P. Dendorfer, P. Torr, A. Geiger, L. Leal-Taixé, B. Leibe: HOTA: A Higher Order Metric for Evaluating Multi-object Tracking. IJCV 2020.
[2] P. Voigtlaender, M. Krause, A. Os̆ep, J. Luiten, B. Sekar, A. Geiger, B. Leibe: MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation. CVPR 2019.
Note: On 25.02.2020 we have updated the evaluation to use the HOTA metrics as the main evaluation metrics, and to show results as plots to enable better comparison over various aspects of tracking. We have re-calculated the results for all methods. Please download the new evaluation code. Please report these new numbers for all future submissions. The previous leaderboards before the changes will remain live for now, but after some time they will stop being updated. They can be found here.
Please address any questions or feedback about KITTI tracking or KITTI mots evaluation to Jonathon Luiten at
Stereo: Method uses left and right (stereo) images
Laser Points: Method uses point clouds from Velodyne laser scanner
GPS: Method uses GPS information
Online: Online method (frame-by-frame processing, no latency)
Additional training data: Use of additional data sources for training (see details)
KITTI MOTS will be part of the RobMOTS Challenge at CVPR 21. Deadline June 11.
KITTI MOTS will be part of the RobMOTS Challenge at CVPR 21. Deadline June 11.