
MonoAMNet: Three-Stage Real-Time Monocular 3D Object Detection With Adaptive Methods [AMNet+DDAD15M]

Submitted on 24 Jan. 2025 08:27 by
贾 译凇 (哈尔滨工业大学)

Running time:0.03 s
Environment:1 core @ 2.5 Ghz (C/C++)

Method Description:
We contend that many components of monocular 3D
object detection lack the necessary adaptability,
impeding the performance of the detector. In this
paper, we propose six adaptive methods addressing
issues related to network structure, loss
function, and optimizer. These methods
specifically target the rigid components within
the detector that hinder adaptability.
Simultaneously, we provide theoretical insights
into the network output and propose two novel
regression methods. These methods facilitate more
straightforward learning for the network.
DDAD15M pretrain and flip test
Latex Bibtex:
author={Pan, Huihui and Jia, Yisong and Wang,
Jue and Sun, Weichao},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems},
title={MonoAMNet: Three-Stage Real-Time
Monocular 3D Object Detection With Adaptive
keywords={Monocular 3D object detection;deep
learning;autonomous driving;optimizer},

Detailed Results

Object detection and orientation estimation results. Results for object detection are given in terms of average precision (AP) and results for joint object detection and orientation estimation are provided in terms of average orientation similarity (AOS).

Benchmark Easy Moderate Hard
Car (Detection) 88.43 % 80.30 % 74.19 %
Car (Orientation) 88.23 % 79.86 % 73.54 %
Car (3D Detection) 26.26 % 19.26 % 17.05 %
Car (Bird's Eye View) 34.68 % 25.40 % 22.85 %
Pedestrian (Detection) 37.11 % 28.50 % 25.83 %
Pedestrian (Orientation) 33.83 % 25.45 % 22.95 %
Pedestrian (3D Detection) 13.18 % 8.67 % 7.43 %
Pedestrian (Bird's Eye View) 14.10 % 9.30 % 8.02 %
Cyclist (Detection) 45.93 % 31.01 % 27.06 %
Cyclist (Orientation) 40.75 % 27.07 % 23.54 %
Cyclist (3D Detection) 4.30 % 2.79 % 2.51 %
Cyclist (Bird's Eye View) 5.54 % 3.61 % 3.19 %
This table as LaTeX

2D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Orientation estimation results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

3D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Bird's eye view results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

2D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Orientation estimation results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

3D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Bird's eye view results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

2D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Orientation estimation results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

3D object detection results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

Bird's eye view results.
This figure as: png eps txt gnuplot

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