
Raw Input as Output [Raw Input]

Submitted on 5 Jan. 2022 15:17 by
Yiyi Liao (MPI)

Running time:
Environment:NVIDIA V100

Method Description:
A na"ive baseline for semantic scene completion which returns the input LiDAR scan as output.
Latex Bibtex:
author = {Yiyi Liao and Jun Xie and Andreas Geiger},
title = {KITTI-360: A Novel Dataset and Benchmarks for Urban Scene Understanding in 2D and 3D},
booktitle = {ARXIV},
year = {2021},

Detailed Results

This page provides detailed results for the method(s) selected. For the first 5 test point clouds, we display the original image, the color-coded result and an error image. The error image contains 4 colors weighted by the confidence of the pseudo-ground truth:
red: the pixel has the wrong label and the wrong category
yellow: the pixel has the wrong label but the correct category
green: the pixel has the correct label
black: the groundtruth label is not used for evaluation

Test Set Average

Accuracy Completeness F1 mIoU class
98.24 19.07 32.35 0.00
This table as LaTeX

Test Image 0

Test Image 1

Test Image 2

Test Image 3

Test Image 4

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