This website maintains a list of older projects and is not updated anymore. For our more recent projects, visit:
Research Projects
Robust Vision Challenge
Competition at CVPR 2018 across various computer vision tasks.
DALI 2018
DALI 2018 Workshop on Autonomous Driving Talks.
ETH3D Benchmark
Multi-view 3D reconstruction benchmark and evaluation.
Exploiting high-speed cameras for optical flow reference data.
Learning coarse-to-fine depth map fusion from data.
Learning 3D representations at high resolutions with octrees.
Autonomous Vision
Survey article on research in vision for autonomous vehicles.
Similarity Priors
Joint detection and volumetric 3D reconstruction of similar objects.
3D Reconstruction
Probabilistic volumetric 3D reconstruction with ray potentials.
Computationally Efficient Online Min-Cost Flow Tracking.
Discrete Flow
Optical flow estimation cast as inference in a discrete CRF.
Efficient MAP inference with sparse high-order potentials.
Indoor Scenes
3D layout and 3D object inference from a single RGB-D image.
Semi-Convex Hull
Reduces a complex CAD model to a watertight low-face mesh.
Resolving stereo ambiguities using knowledge about objects.
Object Scene Flow
Scene flow for autonomous vehicles. Novel realistic dataset.
Lightweight MATLAB tool for semantic and instance labeling.
OpenGl rendering of 3D objects directly from within MATLAB.
Omnidirectional Vision
Catadioptric camera calibration software and dataset.
Tracking by Detection
Simple hierarchical object tracker using the DPM detector.
Real-time object tracking using sparse scene flow features.
3D Urban Scenes
Code and datasets for 3D urban traffic scene understanding.
KITTI Vision Suite
Datasets and benchmarks for computer vision and robotics.
Localization in OpenStreetMap data using visual odometry only.
MATLAB code for automatic corner / checkerboard detection.
Karlsruhe Objects
Images from a moving vehicle with annotated cars / pedestrians.
Karlsruhe Sequences
Urban stereo video sequences recorded from a moving vehicle.
MATLAB / C++ code for efficent large-scale stereo matching.
MATLAB / C++ code for stereo and monocular visual odometry.
MATLAB / C++ code for iterative closest point matching (2D/3D).
Gaussian Processes
Java Applet illustrating Gaussian Process regression.
Multi-Cam Calibration
Geometric and photometric multi-camera calibration.